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It’s a Celebration!...

Ron’s been busted!...
Come celebrate his birthday with him and what’re left of his marbles!
It's our
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Sunday, September 8, 2024
at 4:00 o’clock at a beautiful
private residence in Sugar Loaf, N.Y.
Enjoy a fabulous catered feast of festive hors d’oeuvres, flavorful entrées, favorite fixin’s, coffee, tea, fanciful desserts and a complimentary glass of featured wine. Followed by a fantastic foray into fetching arias, duets and other musical fêtes. All this by way of celebrating Maestro Ron De Fesi’s 37th birthday... again! Yes, he’s had others, but 37 was his favorite!
Help us help the Company meet the rising cost of opera production with a much needed and deeply appreciated donation of $75 per person.
For more information, you can call 845-661-0544.
To reserve tickets, click the button below.
The HOT Chorus is looking for a couple of tenors and a couple of...
The Hudson Opera Theatre Chorus is a volunteer organization and rehearses once weekly, year-round (with breaks, of course) on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. in Sugar Loaf (Town of Chester), NY. Interested candidates should be fairly proficient sight-readers and should be able to sing comfortably and accurately in a classical or legitimate style. Please e-mail letter of interest, a short resumé or bio, and a recording (audio or video) of two art songs or arias to rondefesi@gmail.com



We boast a fine, professional chorus and orchestra, and an outstanding group of international soloists that bring a unique richness to each of our productions. Come see what we’re all about. Start your musical experience with us today!
HUDSON OPERA THEATRE has been providing the Hudson River region—from Kingston, NY to Rutherford, NJ, from Danbury, CT, and west into parts of Pennsylvania—with imaginative, accessible, and popularly-priced performances of opera, musical theatre, classical theatre, concerts, and oratorios that have truly set a standard in the region since 1977....
Find out more about the company. Put your name on our e-mail list. Our list is never distributed by any means to anyone else. We will only ever send occasional notices of upcoming events in which we think you might be interested. Fill in the info below to leave your e-mail...
Get in Touch
3 Highland Avenue
Middletown, NY 10940
The value of music has always been acknowledged,
as much in ancient times as it is today...
(Scroll over, or touch the images)
“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”
— Plato

“Without music, life
would be a mistake.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words, and on which it is impossible to remain silent.”
— Victor Hugo

​“All that remains of communities and civilizations, all that remains of their worth and dignity exists in the art they leave.”
— William Carlos Williams

“Virtually every writer I know would rather be a musician.”
― Kurt Vonnegut

So, why do so few people set foot out of their houses to hear live music these days—and, in particular, classical music? Streaming? Fear? Expense? Laziness? Artistic director, Ron De Fesi shares his thoughts on the subject, and the interesting “challenge” he poses to all lovers of opera and classical music...
’24-25 SNEAK PEEK...
Details of the 2024-2025 Season have not been finalized, but we are working on some exciting new productions, and we hope to revisit a couple of items from our recent repertoire. Since Covid, we have not presented any staged works for a number of reasons. Primary among them were the obvious restrictions of the pandemic, but also because donations have fallen off markedly. All opera companies operate at a deficit because of the staggering costs of production, but, with the help of our patrons through the years, we have been able to maintain a continuous stream of interesting presentations of opera, concert, oratorio and musical and classical theatre. Now, however, we are in a real crunch!
We have neither the returning audiences nor the typical donations to help us into the next season. If you would like to help keep these productions coming, please consider a donation of any size to the opera company. If you work for a company that has a matching gift program, please consider getting them involved in donating to help keep this valuable artform alive. Any gift would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Click here to have a “Sneak Peek” at some things we are considering for our upcoming season...